Interview on Classical Education mit James K.A. Smith

Inside Classical Education hat folgendes Interview veröffentlicht. Sehr empfehlenswert.
The entire 45 minute interview can be heard by clicking on the link entitled “Jamie Smith Interview on Classical Education.” Alternatively, you can listen to any individual segment from the interview by clicking on the other links listed below. These individual clips average about 5 minutes in length. Enjoy.
James KA Smith Interview on Classical Education (entire interview-45 min)
James KA Smith Pedagogy Assumes an Anthropology 
James KA Smith How Humans are Shaped
James KA Smith The Problem with Worldview Education


Ja James KA Smith Secular Liturgies
James KA Smith Countering Secular Liturgies
James KA Smith How Christian Schools Are Secular
James KA Smith The Church and Christian Education
James KA Smith Pastors and Classical Christian Education
James KA Smith What Secular Education Lacks
James KA Smith Humans as Thinkers Believers and Lovers
James KA Smith Postmodernism and Classical Christian Ed

James KA Smith Neuroscience and Character Formation
James KA Smith Education, Culture and The Arts
James KA Smith Advice for School Administrators

2 Antworten

  1. Ron K. sagt:

    Ich kann die Begeisterung für James K.A. Smith nicht nachvollziehen, liegt er doch im Blick auf das Verständnis des Postmodernismus fast völlig daneben und tritt als Supporter der Kultur der sexuellen Vielfalt auf.

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